الثلاثاء، 23 مارس 2010
What is VoIP
is that VoIP is Voice over Internet Protocol. Voice over the Internet allows connections all over the world. It is one way to have a free pc to phone international call. In other words it is a phone call from pc. Yes, it is useful, and it is inexpensive, especially if you like the word free. Some Voice over Internet service may allow you to only call anyone who has the same service, but some will allow a phone call to anyone with a telephone number including international numbers. Easy Free PC To Phone International CallVoice over Internet Protocol allows the converting of your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet. If you are calling a regular phone number, using a broadband service, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches the destination. In layman’s terms you are using your Personal Computer via a modem or phone adapter to connect to the Internet, and the receiving person will answer via PC or telephone. This allows the free pc to phone international call. This all happens with this broadband Internet connection instead of a regular or analog phone line. The equipment needed to make this happen are a broadband high speed Internet connection. A computer, adapter or other specialized phone is required. Some Voice over Internet Protocol services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while there are other services that allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. If you are going to use your computer as a phone call from pc then you will need to have some software and an inexpensive microphone. Some special VoIP phones plug directly into your broadband connection and operate largely like a traditional telephone. If you use a telephone with an adapter, then you will use the phone like you always have. In order to make the VoIP free pc to phone international call you must make certain that your Internet provider will allow you to make those calls. It comes down to what your subscription service will allow on their services. Check into that before you decide if VoIP is right for you. One of the advantages of VoIP is that you may be able to avoid paying for both a broadband connection and a traditional telephone line, which will save you money. More so if you are able to make a phone call from pc. If you are traveling overseas or to another country you may take your phone and adapter with you, and connect to another computer. This makes you able to use your same provider to make phone calls back home. The disadvantages are that the VoIP will not work during power outages and the service provider may not offer backup power. Not all VoIP service connects directly with emergency services such as 9-1-1. Nor will some providers offer directory assistance or white page listings. These seem to be the downfall of having VoIP service. The computer does not have to be turned on for the VoIP to work, but the broadband connection must be active or live. The other piece of news is that you can use both the computer and the VoIP phone service at the same time. Yes, this is one good way of making your free pc to phone international call. The option is for you to check with your Internet service provider. Make certain you have all software and possible adapters, as well as the broadband connection. With the right equipment you will be able to make a free pc to phone international call. If you are attending school, working overseas, or checking on the family back home, then VoIP is a wonderful tool to connect with loved ones, and special people. This is a way to have your free pc to phone international call. The tools are available. Your next step is to set up your computer and Internet service provider for a Voice over Internet Protocol
Mobile phone

Referred to the companies that transfer of voice over Internet service providers to enterprises, and is referred to Meevaq (Protocol) which transfers audio signals across the Internet Bmeevaq (protocol) Internet VoIP.
This research will explain the Voice over Meevaq Ahabkp defined and how they work and what are the types of equipment needed to work with the technical explanation of the technical advantages and disadvantages and challenges faced by technology, taking some of the practical applications to see how they have contributed this technology and promote development in enterprises and finally this section with some of the divides the reliance on traditional communication and the technology.
Join Voice over Internet Charter
Voice over the Charter of the network (VoIP) came to change the world of traditional phone. The traditional phone lines tend to slow gradually, with something to offer VoIP technology in all parts of the world of the benefits and advantages in advanced technology. It is useful to stop and look at the history of VoIP in the future you will find more exciting.
Join Technology Technology VoIP Charter of the network (VoIP) shows that this technology began in 1995 when I started a small company called vocaltec, and was believed to be the first Internet telephone program. The program is designed to run on a home computer and is very similar to phones in use today, and it uses sound cards and Almassadh (microphones) and speakers. And was called the program "Internet Phone" is used instead of the Charter of the Charter of the H.323 SIP although it is becoming more common today . Company started vocaltec success with Internet Phone, and its success was in 1996. The main disadvantage of which appeared in 1995, is the lack of network capacity, broad Broadband, and on this basis, the software used in the modems that resulted from poor sound quality when compared with a normal phone call. It is also useful to note that none of the staff vocaltec key is also the founder whichvoip.com.
By 1998, the rate of use of VoIP traffic to represent approximately 1% of all voice messages in the United States. Attention and became destined to the preparation of the devices that are enabled to connect to a PC Tel PC-to-phone and phone to phone phone-to-phone . The networking company like Cisco and Lucent equipment that can run VoIP Traffic As a result, by the year 2000 became a stream VoIP represents more than 3% of all voice messages.
And from well-known companies and a pioneer in this area company Skype, which emerged in the mid-nineties and there are a range of other programs such as, Net2Phone, PC2Call, ZeroPhone .....
In 2005, the issue of ensuring the quality of voice takes priority over the transfer of data to become more reliable technique for the transfer of a clear voice telephone calls without interruption. Is expected to reach sales revenue of VoIP equipment alone, more than 8,5 billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2008. That the rate of exponential growth and rapid VoIP technology with the use of wireless technologies, the future of this technique is really exciting surprise.
The definition of technology transfer voice over Meevaq Ahabkp
It stands for the words English Voice Over Internet Protocol (or Voice over Internet Protocol) - is a way to connect voice conversations over the Ahabkp (Internet) or through any network using Internet Protocol Internet Protocol. And therefore can be any number of people connected together to a single network using Internet Protocol (IP) - such as the Internet - to converse by telephone using this technique.
The operating principle of technical
The technology converts analogue audio signals Analog Signals from the phone into digital signals and Digital Signals are divided into a reference to the packet Packets and the IP protocol used to send these packets in a number of digital tracks through the same data network and the arrival of these packets to the specified destination (future) re-compilationpackets sent to be heard clearly on the reverse of regular contacts are using one path is selected and if the other party (the future) a normal phone signal is converted back to audio signals in order to be understood in the future.
Steps of the technical
Convert Analog Signals analogue signals into digital signals Digital Signals.
Compression packages are good (the bandwidth is too small), there are several Muaiq (protocols) can choose to compress the package, including more sophisticated and so as not to be a delay in the sound.
The integration of voice packets within the packet data using Meevaq (Protocol) real-time RTP-Real Time Protocol.
We need to contact the user signals (bell) ITU-T H323.
When the future is the analysis package and extract data from them and convert digital signals to the audio again and sent to the phone.
Must be obtained in real time Real Time in order not to get cut in the sound.
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You must use the PBX to determine the course of conversation.
Convert Analog Signals audio signals into digital signals Digital Signals.
The use of Internet Protocol IP.
Digital signals should be divided into small pieces called packets digital transfer of several paths through the network data itself.
You must press packets are good (the bandwidth is too small), there are several protocols can choose from to compress the package is developed so as not to be a delay in the audio.
There should be a place of temporary storage to collect packets Buffer so as not to be a delay in the sound.
Must be obtained in real time Real Time in order not to get cut in the sound.
Technical standards for voice over Internet Protocol
A set of rules and conditions which govern the process of telephone and is divided into: --
Closed systems
And is based on standards (closed source is not free) programs such as Skype and the famous Cisco Protocol (Skinny Client Control Protocol SCCP) protocol which is closed to control Balpartyyat developed mainly by the company ° C. The Selsius Corporation, owns and develop specifications now Cisco Cisco System Inc. Among the most famous of equipment operating in accordance with this Protocol Series, Cisco 7900.
Open systems
Of open standards-based protocols such as open-source: --
Protocol H.323: --
Is a set of standard protocols emanating from the system developed by the International Telecommunication Union ITU-T for the NFL audio and images via computer network packets using the Packet-Based This protocol is used in the majority of popular applications such as NetMeeting.
Protocol SIP: --
Is short for Initiation Protocol phase, a protocol for telephone signals associated with the Internet protocols, which are used to start, modify, and terminate phone calls kind of VOIP. The teams have developed Internet Engineering Task Force IETF to this Protocol, has been posted to the RFC 3261 protocol at the beginning. Can the SIP to describe the necessary communication to start the conversation and become a Phase Initiation Protocol is a breakthrough in the world of mobile VOIP. This Protocol is largely semi-Protocol HTTP, a protocol in the script, and easy to understand, and flexible use, and therefore the SIP solution replaces the standard H323 protocol in use on a large scale.
Protocol IAX2: --
A protocol to communicate between the programs Asterisk Asterisk telephone exchange, a program open source and provides voice over Internet protocol between Asterisk servers Asterisk and IAX2 clients and is pressing the package well. To get an idea of the volume of waste produced during the transfer of voice over the Internet, remember that the audio CD, which occupies an area of 5.6 kilobits per second would require 18 Kbps of bandwidth, consisting of the difference between 5.6 Kbps and 18 Kbps headers of packets that will carry thedata. This header contains all the information necessary (such as IP Address) for the transfer of voice packets to the future. We have the IAX2 protocol to reduce this waste nicely by identifying the amount of bits allowed to use for each additional package, also used the principle of sharing talks also sent to the same destination and included in the same packages.
Equipment / technical equipment Voice over Internet Protocol
VoIP for any application requiring a power source supported by the network as well as high capacity and the most important equipment that we will need to: --
Analogue telephone adapters Analog Telephone Adaptors ATA -: --
The analog phone adapter ATA link any normal analogue phone network with voice over Internet Protocol. This adapter contains the type of port RJ-11 (Tel port) and port of some other RJ-45 (Ethernet network port Ethernet) thereby acting this converter to convert analogue audio signals emanating from the normal analogue phone into digital signals and can connect the ATA to any kind of phones and ATA is a VoIP Gateways
Mobile code Soft phone: --
You can buy a phone to replace the voice over Internet Protocol software installed does the same task within the personal computer, which is known as "Phone compiler" Soft phone. This program does not require more than provide a sound card and speakers and Microphone (microphone) as well as to make sure that your firewall does not prevent the personal work, and exemplified (Net2Phone-PC2Call).
Mobile Voice over Internet Protocol VoIP Phone: --
Equipment is specially designed for this purpose is linked with a VoIP network directly and does not need any additional equipment, such as ATA and did not need to download any programs.Can do this according to the Internet Protocol phones and one or more. The important features that you have to lose when buying a mobile Voice over Internet Protocol: --
Consumption of simple bandwidth: support mechanisms developed pressure) such as G.729 Speex).
Provide a management interface is simple: work through the Web.
Port of the vote: audio output can be connected with headphones) for remote training applications (.
Mobile Voice over Internet Protocol wireless Wi-Fi/WLAN Phone: --
Equipment is specially designed for this purpose is linked with a VoIP network such as the former, but the only difference that it is connected to the network wirelessly via the access point Access Point.
Cards link with the public switched network telephone PSTN interface cards: --
If you want to route calls from the equipment that operate according to Voice over Internet Protocol to the traditional telephone network PSTN will need to install some special equipment for this purpose within Mksmk card such as PCI TDM400P wildcard.
Some success stories using Voice over Internet Protocol
System VoIP gives Carolina State Hospital, some calm
The University Hospital of North Carolina - United States - get rid of the old regime Paging Overhead and through which the nurse requested through loudspeakers. The objective is to reduce the noise the old system of internal communication and protests that patients are not taken delivery of their applications as required. In the previous period was the hospital's patients want when they ask for a specific request by the side of the bed and to contact a staff member to receive the hospital and the officer logged the patient's request and after making a request to nurse through a system of internal communication (audio speakers) to deliver the patient's request. Intercommunication system did not provide the required service speed and ineffective does not serve the nurses properly because the nurse needs to have direct contact with the patient and not through a third party (the receptionist) In addition to the noise caused by this system. The solution to this problem through the work of a wireless network to facilitate the work of doctors put patients directly on their portable computers. The hospital using VoIP technology Abbarbrocokol Internet link between patients and nurses were distributed directly to more than three hundred wireless phone to connect them with nurses and be close to the family of patients, allowing the patient to connect wirelessly to the nurse and the nurse answered by the cordless phone carried by ensuring no hassle and delivery their requests clearly.
Communication units via the Internet Protocol in the State of New Orleans useless after Hurricane Katrina
After Hurricane Katrina hit the state of New Orleans - United States - were cut off communications of thousands of families trapped by the flood. After the hurricane destroyed most of the facilities were not shining charities to communicate with relatives, including the Organization: Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO). And prior to the flood and Hurricane Katrina, the Enterprise intends to activate the system, RingCentral, a system to link all the staff with the institution and the system that uses voice over Internet protocol before the hurricane was the system under test. The foundation plans to improve communication and emergency plans in case of disasters. During the hurricane most of the telephone lines were cut and the phones out of coverage. The new system will determine if the operation of the affected places and necessary through personal contact with staff and determine the situation after the disaster by sending sufficient information and the necessary support for people in distress and in need of help. And after this storm has caused damage and disruption from the outside world out of organizations and institutions lesson is the need to keep in contact with all conditions and not only through traditional communication that can be cut off completely, but should rely on modern technology too, such as Voice over Internet Protocol.
The benefits and advantages of Voice over Internet Protocol
1. To provide cost Minimize Cost: --
Cost savings for users: --
Communication through this technology provides a lot of cost and because of that pays for this service to be constant Kistrak monthly and the connection is open around the clock. The cost of international calls through this technology cheaper than any other means of communication.
Cost savings to service providers: --
Because this technique is based on software rather than on equipment which will facilitate the process of maintenance in addition to the problems tends to be known and a few equipment damage Valtklvp be less (possibly the high cost of installation, but then less cost).
2. Flexibility Mobility: --
User does not need this service to be in one place only, but can be used anywhere even in the case of travel to another country and continue to receive internal calls as if the same country and same tariff because it depends on Ahabkp (online).
Allow users to install their phone anywhere within the office and connect the phone at the earliest slot for the network while maintaining current Bno.hm.
Can divert calls to anywhere in the world due to the characteristics of protocol SIP.
3. Scalability Scalability: --
The ability to grow with the increasing requirements can increase the expansion and new lines easily by purchasing the necessary equipment (VoIP Phone) and connect to the network without the need for separate links, or by installing the software on the device.
4. Service Features: --
Holding regular phone services as well as other services such as the ability to collective talks - and voice mail - and the ability to customize ring tones - and the possibility to retain and add the details of persons related to them - and the possibility of control in the figures as possible to prevent contact or receive a certain number, and others.
5. Standard Standardization: --
Shall be considered as a VOIP phone systems are standard systems of first-class - since all modern phone systems using VOIP SIP protocol to them. This means that you often will be able to use any phone or SIP VOIP gateway devices VOIP. Or vice versa, a traditional phone system is often required special phones to use advanced features, and sub-units to add some special features.
6. Easy to use Easy to Use: --
Allows you to easily VOIP phone system repair and adjust your phone system to the presence of an interface based on GUI illustrations and online access, which facilitates the installation process and controls in the system and the presentation of reports, while the other special telephone is often out of use due to difficulties in their windows that are designed mostly to the specialized installation and use of such devices.
7. The possibility of merging voice technologies, image and data at the same time: --
The use of VoIP technology allows users to use all the applications that are on the Internet, such as work on any program or use email communication as well as using the same network for voice, video and data. In this way allows the user to provide effort and money at the same time.
The challenges faced by technology (disadvantages)
1. This technique depends on the existence of a source of energy: --
There must be a steady source of energy and reliable in this technology to the contrary, a regular phone it works without a power source is supplied with power from the same line of the main center.
2. You can not link a group of devices on the VoIP: --
But it is available for ordinary telephone line where the system can be linked to safety in the home and subscribe system Allvizione digital video system digital phone normal.
3. Emergency Communications Emergency 911 Calls: --
Where it can not locate the call through VoIP, because it depends on the IP Address, while calling from a normal phone call can be identified MCA and accurately.
4. The quality of service Quality of Service: --
And network capacity is meant to provide the best service no matter what the network is to ensure Tofferard package necessary for the transfer of telephone conversations has always been, regardless of the pressure on the network of the most important challenges faced by VoIP technology is the most important factors of service quality: --
a-delay Letancy: --
Delay in the network is used to measure the time required for transmission of packet data from a specific point to another. It must be given a packet data telephone conversations priority within the network in order to not getting a delay in the arrival of the telephone conversation to you.And to reduce a delay must be set up routers and switches along the route of the transfer of data charts in the network, as well as possible to make telephone calls in case the link is required to use more than one satellite, but you will need to wait for a second at least one telephone conversation before the start of you to respond the other party. It is the most important rules in place to reduce the delay is the installation of telephone exchange PBX at the least congested network.
b-tension Jitter: --
And is the discrepancy in the timing of the arrival of data packets caused by pressure on the network and caused by congestion, causing interruptions in the audio. And to ease this tension can be used flint (Buffer) twitter (Jitter) to deal with the chills and mitigate its negative effects and are required to collect, store and send voice data packets to the audio processor frequency fixed time. The tension memory and temporary placed in the reception of the voice conversation to delay packets hyphen is deliberate (in order to reach packets lazy - late), which allows the user access to voice and clear with minimal distortion. Are two types of granite provisional: static and dynamic. Based flint (Buffer) temporary resident on the equipment and be prepared by the manufacturer, and the flint dynamic depends on the software and can be set by the user.Of the common values of Sawan (Buffer) provisional 100 msec and reflects the time of storage of voice packets in the memory of tension temporary. You can improve the quality of the telephone conversation by increasing the tension temporary memory, but at the expense of increasing the overall delay in the conversation.
c-rate errors Errors Rate: --
And is the rate of loss of or damage to packages and packages that measured by the contact of the future or unchanged lead to damage must be very small rate of errors to ensure quality of service, so as to increase data transmission capacity of Network Bandwidth.
d-availability Availability: --
Of things very important in this technology to be the transfer of packet data network telephone conversations always available and works well and should ensure this.
5. Exposure to penetration and viruses VoIP Hacking: --
Same case of any type of network they may be exposed to the virus must penetrate and protect various types of programs and should work to encrypt data.
6. Affected by other factors, when one of the parties to the VoIP computer: --
When you open another program with the compiler on your phone Soft Phone Taatotherjodp possible that conversation because the processor serves more than one program is also possible that disconnects an important conversation Aljhazaan if it stops work for energy dependence.
Communications" solutions launches VoIP
The "connections" today announced the launch of telecommunications solutions over Internet Protocol (VoIP), which enjoys the attributes of safety and high reliability to its customers in the business sector. And that after the announcement of the General Authority to regulate the telecommunications sector in the UAE to open the door to provide the service in the State Bidvaiha formula legitimacy on them.
Under the first phase of the strategy of "contacts" to provide comprehensive communications services over Internet Protocol, the Foundation will design and provide telecommunications services over Internet Protocol, which will be specially prepared specifications meet the needs of companies to be able to outsourcing the management of their own telephone networks, allowing them the many benefits ofincluding reducing the total cost of ownership and contribute to enhancing the productivity of staff.
Package will include "communications" solutions for VoIP primarily on the design and comprehensive equipment and extension services and special programs (the phone over Internet Protocol) (IP-telephony), in addition to the management and maintenance of solutions currently available, the phone network and VoIP.
How to make free calls on the Internet
Have you thought about communion with your family and friends through your mobile phone on the Internet? You can make unlimited free calls at any time and from anywhere and all you need is an internet connection and a program for mobile phone commensurate with your phone (Nokia, iPhone, Blackberry, Android). There are three types of Internet connection:
Wired and be on your computer only.
Wireless communication (WiFi) and coverage at the level of your home, your office, university, coffee shop, restaurant, hotel, shopping centers ... etc.. You can use it on your desktop, mobile equipment, Netbook, iPod and mobile phone ... etc..
WiMax and wireless communication coverage at a broad level as the city where you live and you can also (as in a WiFi) internet access to all types of electronic devices ...
Well ... what you will need to do is:
A wireless connection to WiFi, or WiMax.
Program commensurate with the type and model of your mobile phone.
Now we will present a set of these programs and the differences between them; to choose ones that interest you, then come to the method used ...
The first option: Skype
R.s. Skype (Skype) the famous, which has already touched on a journey of light, have a copy of which particularly good with the iPhone and iPod Touch ... services to iPod, this version compatible with the organs of the second generation and above. Or at least, you need to Maekerifun external devices first generation of iPod.
Through the Skype software for computers iPome / iPod able to make calls, VoIP (VoIP) audio and video in addition to writing scripts as in the instant messaging software for computers. You can also share files and attachments.
Must be for you and the other party Skype software installed on your iPhone / iPod to both parties. A copy of the Skype software for Nokia devices, but not strengthened the voice dialing.
How to use:
Download the program on your device (iPhone or iPod).
When you open the program on your phone will show you either Tostagil login or open an account. If this is the first time you use, Skype, open an account and then add a friend to the friends list.
The type of communication: voice, video, writing, exchange of files.
Supported Devices: iPhone / iPod.
Desktop version: There is a copy of the desktop you can install on your computer and Bhman you can contact the other party, either from your iPhone or from your PC.
2 : NimBuzz
Nimbuzz is available for Nokia devices, BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod and computer. And provides the following:
Voice call.
Chat in writing.
File sharing.
Take a backup copy of the Address Book (phone numbers) and then restored at any time.
Add all the accounts on other chat programs such as: Yahoo, MSN, gTalk, Skype and others in addition to: Facebook and Twitter.
When used, will turn your phone to:
Phone free to contact the multi-options.
Chat program (all in one!).
Note 1: If you have a Nokia phone with a friend and an iPhone or iPod in case your friend uses Skype, and if you're prefer to communicate through Skype In this case you will not need any iPhone. Only proven NimBuzz on your phone (and Kia or BlackBerry), and then add to your account at Skype and when you want to call friend, make a call via Skype in the address list in the program.
Note 2: If you add other Hsabank Yahoo, MSN ... etc to NimBuzz also will be able to communicate with your friends on the voice chat programs mentioned. But communicate via Hsabkma on Skype would be the best in terms of connection speed and superior sound quality.The best is to hold the call from your account at NimBuzz account to the other party NimBuz.
Note 3: You can connect through locally and internationally from your phone (on your mobile phone) to the other party (phone number) at discounted prices.
NimBuzz is the best option if he does not care about to make video calls.
Select the version that suits your phone or a copy of the computer.
Defects NimBuzz:
So far, does not support video calling.
Does not provide a copy of the equipment Android.
The third option: Fring:
Already wrote about it in the light of the trip. Just as in the program NimBuzz. Some observations:
So far not available for BlackBerry devices.
Allows you to connect a video which is not provided by NimBuzz.
A copy of which is not available for computers.
Is not available as a Web service (can not be used directly from their reverse NimBuzz).
Devices available for Android.
The idea and method of use in very similar to the program NimBuzz.
Fring is the best option if you need to video calls.
Select the version that suits your phone.
The fourth option, Yahoo Messenger for iPhone
If you are from users of the iPhone or iPod, you can download the Yahoo Messenger and make free voice calls.
What about MSN Mobile to the iPhone?
So far there is no official copy, but they will soon ...
The fifth option: TruePhone
TruPhone available for the following devices:
Android and equipment
And supports all you:
It also allows calls to a mobile phone and send text messages at discounted prices.
Select the version that suits your phone.
Note: All the options mentioned, the "discounted price" means that a call from phone to phone on the mobile phone network means that the prices will be lower than those of the same network, or so it is supposed to. Overall, the prices of these services mentioned in this entry are high and there are other alternatives when you make international calls (not through the Internet) I will address in a later blog entries.
See all of these programs and how they work and use of trip the light channel on YouTube.
Abstract methods of communication for all these programs:
You can Ijae free local calls and international and from any location via the Internet using WiFi, or wireless Algtsal WinMax of your home, your office, your car, your university .. Etc. with your friends and family, either audio or video, you can also share files, chat, etc. ... write more than one option:
From your phone to the other party.
From your computer to the other party and vice versa.
From your computer to the other party.
The sound quality will be just as sound quality when making a call from the phone on the traditional mobile network. To make voice calls, the minimum speed of the Internet The recommended 512 Mb / s.
For users of Nokia phones:
How to install and use any of the NimBuz or Fring on your phone is very simple.
Download one of the two programs on your phone in one of two ways.First: Visit the program from your browser and then download it. Or visit the program from your computer and then load it and then you can send to your phone via Bluetooth or through the Nokia PC Suit.
Once loaded on your phone, start the installation steps ... after the completion of the installation: you will find the program in "applications" or Applications.
After you install alone on your phone, open the program and select "New User Registration".Then start adding your friends on other chat programs or through their accounts on one of the two programs.
You can not use NimBuzz and Fring on the same phone. You must choose one to be installed.
Make sure that the connection to the Internet will use one of these programs is through the wireless network WLAN and not through the card and your Sim Card, however, will consume your balance or your bill!